Friday, 10 November 2023


 Here is my latest painting of a hare, as you see, I love painting hare’s although there are not many on Dartmoor, but if you know where to look you may be lucky enough to see one.

 We do however have plenty of the Three Hares images in and around Dartmoor, in fact, more than anywhere else in the world. There are quite a few to be found in Chagford where I live and have my Three Hares Gallery.

 Hunting the Three Hares has become quite an obsession with many people coming here in search of this amazing image, and some come from other countries miles away!

 If you wish to find out more about this and my Three Hares Trail, then click on this link

 If you would like to see more of my paintings of hares, then do have a look at my website, or if possible visit my Three Hares Gallery in Chagford on Dartmoor.

Monday, 10 April 2023

Welcome Back Trees & Hares in Threes

 I am sure anyone who drives down to Cornwall on the A30 will recognise these trees, they are often named the welcome home or nearly there trees. I have used both gold and silver paint in this picture which is my latest painting and if you could see it for real you would love the way that the paint really sings out, I have added the three golden hares as these are my thing and considered lucky by many.