Saturday 20 July 2024

 I am constantly surprised by the spread of the Three Hares Symbol which keeps popping up all over the world. Here is a fireplace that was made recently for a couple who have a house in Charleston in South Carolina and wanted the Three Hares placed in a shield on their mantle piece. This has been carved in Limestone for them by the famous stone carver Simeon Warren . This picture shows it before it was installed in their house. They told me all about it when they visited my gallery in Chagford this week.

Tuesday 9 April 2024


 This is my latest Three Hares Painting. It is an oil painting with gold paint. This has quite a lot of spiritual meaning and a poem written around it which reads

The power of three is here to see, No beginning, no end, eternity. An ancient symbol of everlasting protection, Life, death and rebirth. Continuation.

In the night sky amongst the stars you can find the constellation of Leo, top left. Taurus, top right. Cassiopeia, bottom left and The Plough, bottom right.

I hope you like it.



Friday 10 November 2023


 Here is my latest painting of a hare, as you see, I love painting hare’s although there are not many on Dartmoor, but if you know where to look you may be lucky enough to see one.

 We do however have plenty of the Three Hares images in and around Dartmoor, in fact, more than anywhere else in the world. There are quite a few to be found in Chagford where I live and have my Three Hares Gallery.

 Hunting the Three Hares has become quite an obsession with many people coming here in search of this amazing image, and some come from other countries miles away!

 If you wish to find out more about this and my Three Hares Trail, then click on this link

 If you would like to see more of my paintings of hares, then do have a look at my website, or if possible visit my Three Hares Gallery in Chagford on Dartmoor.

Monday 10 April 2023

Welcome Back Trees & Hares in Threes

 I am sure anyone who drives down to Cornwall on the A30 will recognise these trees, they are often named the welcome home or nearly there trees. I have used both gold and silver paint in this picture which is my latest painting and if you could see it for real you would love the way that the paint really sings out, I have added the three golden hares as these are my thing and considered lucky by many.

Thursday 13 October 2022

Green Three Hares Labyrinth

 Inspired by a recent visit to the Rocky Valley near Tintagel in Cornwall where there are two Labyrinths carved into the rock face behind the ruined mill which stands beside the pretty Trevillet river, just a short distance inland from the coast path. I have painted this with the three hares in the centre as I can see a link between the Three Hares and the Circle of Life and the fascinating history about Labynths which can be found all over the world as can the Three Hares symbol.

This painting has many layers of paint to build up the depth so you can actually trace the passage that leads you to the centre, it also has many shades of green and on top of this flecks of gold.

It is now framed and can be seen hanging in my Three Hares Gallery in Chagford on Dartmoor

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Three Hares Print with Star Signs


The three hares came running joined by their ears 

Spun on the silk route from ancient times

With a secret meaning from a past belief

Their image translated in numerous ways

Steeped in history a symbol of mystery

Of love and eternity a hidden treasure

For us to discover

This painting and poem were inspired by the mystery surrounding this amazing ancient image of the Three Hares and how it is thought to have been brought over to England by traders using the Silk Route.

I have painted the Three Hares as if they were magically transported along the silk route floating through the night sky with their ears joined in the middle forming a triangle as they are depicted in nearly all the many Three Hares symbols that can be found from China to the many countries across the world where this image has been carved, painted and copied in many different ways.

The poem that I have written to go with this painting sits on a ribbon that I have painted to look like silk. There is a wonderful blood red full moon in the centre of the painting surrounded by stars which include all the twelve star sign constellations.

In this limited edition print of only 500 I have added the star signs in writing onto the night sky.

If you would like a print, please look at my websites,

or the print section in

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Three Hares Bosses

 These are two tiny oil paintings that I have just finishes and framed ready to hang in my Three Hares Gallery in Chagford. They are copies of the two carved bosses of this image that can be found in the roof of St Michael's Church which I can see from my gallery. These images fascinate me, especially the different ways each artist carves or paints them, all being so different.